Anyways...blah Blah no site helps U express urself More than Neocities yah yah...I made this mainly Bcs ive always known abt Neocities, and the More bios i read abt How u can Basically create ur Own space...I was ofc Intrigued. I honestly stayed away from Making a Site for Another year bcss..code is Overwhelming! Especially if it doesnt go Right...But! I have a Lot of free time on My hands these days (and Some xtreme nagging Friends) So I decided to make my own Website!!! And id honestly Recommend doing one...its A lot. But seeing something Work and Creating ur Own Personal space is actually really Fun (i say As non of my links r working...And My music player is Fucked)

I think I'll put the main 3 bios here...I dont Think itll Be too much...hoping I can fill in the super awkward gap ><"